Wednesday, August 13, 2014

As time lapses

Once again, I blink and a few months go by. How does that happen?!?! I guess it's just called life. And, sadly, I've heard that it goes be even faster as you get older. So, I just need to enjoy the moments as they happen.

Much has happened in the past couple months...probably TOO much to squeeze in one tiny blog post. So, micro-sized stories will have to do...well, for most things.

As of Sunday, I just returned from my first Alaskan cruise. It was unbelievable. The splendor of the beauty. Words cannot describe. I was able to see the magnificent glaciers. I was also able to visit Juneau, Skagway, and Ketchikan. I saw whales, both Orca and Humpback. I was able to travel through the White Pass Trail up to the Yukon Territory. I was able to hold puppies that are bred for being competitive sled dogs. But the best part was enjoying this trip with my mom. Moments like these are so precious and is what I will treasure for years to come. Our relationship may not be perfect because we don't always see eye-to-eye on everything. However, she is the one who birthed me, raised me, cared for me, loved me at my worst, and has become my best friend. I am blessed to have such a wonderful mother.

With this coming year, there are crazy changes ahead. I am still teaching full time special education. However, I'm going to be tackling a new part-time job: being an English instructor at the nearby community college. It came as a total surprise and was like a whirlwind. One minute I didn't even have this in my plans and the next minute I'm filling out hiring paperwork to teach an Academic Literacy course in the evening two days a week. What?!?! How did it happen?? I honestly don't know. It was a total God thing. My life is going to become SUPER crazy in just a mere week, but I'm beyond excited to fulfill my dream of teaching college. Although, on top of teaching full-time in a middle school and part-time in the college, I'm going back for my math endorsement. The program I'm taking is accelerated, which means my classes are only ten weeks long. And my first class is Pre-Calculus. Sometimes, I question if I'm purposely trying to make myself stress out. I know it's in God's hands. I just need to rely on Him for peace and comfort because anybody who knows me, knows I stress out super easily.

And of course my love life. Well, I can happily say that I am more in love with Gabe every passing day. He is the sweetest, most thoughtful man I could have asked for. Yes, we've had rocky parts in our relationship, but we've worked through it all and become so much stronger in God and so much closer as a couple. Marriage is definitely in the cards in the coming year...which is BEYOND exciting! No, I don't have a ring on my finger yet. And, yes, I'm anxiously anticipating his proposal (*hint, hint* haha). So yes, wedding planning will be thrown into the mix of my already crazy busy life, which means I am so looking forward to marrying Gabe because then I'll finally be able to spend time with him. Sadly, right now our lives are only able to handle about one day a week of seeing each other. I could really handle at least seven days a week ;-)

Well, I think that just about sums it up for now. I would love to say that hopefully I don't keep this streak going of forgetting to post until months go by, but I can't make any promises. Although, if a certain event does take place, I CAN promise you that a post will be made.

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