Thursday, July 2, 2015

The next chapter

Well, another few months have flown by. As I write this, I am officially a married lady. As of June 12, 2015 at 5:30 in the evening, I vowed to spend the rest of my life with the love of my life. I now have the "M-R-S" title in front of my name. It's so weird to think that.

In just a few short weeks, I have found how much I love marriage. Gabe and I waited until our wedding day to share our first kiss and go on any overnight adventures. I immediately found out that kissing is quite splendid. What's the greatest is that he and I have never kissed another person, so he's the best and worst kisser I will ever know. ;-) Then, going on an eight day vacation to the Caribbeans was amazing. The best part was being with him 24/7 and away from life.

Now, as life is settling back in - well, kind of, as I'm on summer break - I'm enjoying being a wife. I look forward to seeing Gabe when he comes home from work. I love being able to wake up next to him. It's great being able to plan mini get-aways. He's my best friend and someone I will enjoy being able to spend the rest of my life with.

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