Friday, November 11, 2011

Context & Confusion: The Best Description

I guess the best way to start this post is that there comes a point in time where people need to agree to disagree. I will always have my beliefs, and nothing will cause me to waver. The post I was referring to decided to take a moment to rebuttal what I wrote in my last post: Maybe I Should Attend TheCall After All, Context and Confusion. I completely respect him for following up to what I said. What I have realized over the past years is that it is in these moments, such as TheCall, that there will be a line drawn amongst the different beliefs of Christians. Sadly, I wished it would be the opposite. I wished it would bring unity, which really is one of the core values of TheCall.

As for bad theology, Biblical illiteracy, pride, and gullibility, I was quite taken back by these remarks. I have to say that when I wrote the response I sat at my table with a print-out copy of the original post and a Greek-Hebrew, KJV Bible. Also, being raised by a mother who has her degree in theology, I know to not take it out of context and the importance of looking at the history behind the scripture. I'm also very cautious and completely prayed-up and guarded-up before attending any church-related event. I want my motives to be pure and acceptable in His sight. However, I do realize that Paul states that "God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty" (1 Corinthians 1:17). So, God is always using situations to make me stronger in my relationship with Him.

However, I understand these were not remarks just towards me but also the people I associate with or "the circle." Therefore, I believe it is important to argue that Lou Engle, Mike Bickle, IHOP, etc. believe in the Bible in its entirety. When I say this, I mean speaking in tongues, prophetic words, signs & wonders, etc. are all for today. This is where many Christians draw the line because they don't want to dabble in that area. However, if you just read in Acts 2 regarding what is says happened on the day of Pentecost and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit...well you can't get any plainer than that. Acts 2:16-21 even references a verse from Joel regarding what WILL happen in the last days: "But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: 'And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams. And on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days; and they shall prophesy. I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath: blood and fire and vapor of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD. And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.'" Newsflash, we ARE in the last days because we know the signs of His coming, as referenced in Matthew 24.

In regards to the comment about this group of people saying that it is the church's job to bring Christ back and not by what is said in Matthew 24:14...well, I think you need to listen to people like Wes Martin, David Sliker, and Zack Hensley, who come out of IHOP, AND (of course) read the Bible. Before Jesus ascended into Heaven, He said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:19-20). There are two things here that I would like to point out. (1) We are commanded to go into ALL the world and preach the gospel. This is the Great Commission. So it is the church's job to preach the gospel, which will eventually lead to the second-coming of Jesus. (2) We are to baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Going back to Acts 2, when the power of the Holy Spirit fell (aka baptism of the Holy Spirit), they began to speak in tongues, perform signs & wonder, prophecy, etc. So, we should naturally walk in this power IF the Holy Spirit is truly living inside of us. 

I guess what this leads to is discernment. Yes, the author of the rebuttal is completely accurate in saying that you need to do your work. This does not mean that researching the Internet is going to get your answers or only choosing the verses that you like. You need to dig down deep into the scriptures. You need to experience, first-hand, what REALLY happens at these type of events. BUT most importantly, you need to ask Jesus for discernment. The point of being a Christian is to have a relationship with Jesus Christ; it is through that relationship that Jesus will give you direction regarding situations. 

I pray that you rely on Jesus, who is the Cornerstone. He will guide you through every step you take, and He is on the only one that you can EVER trust.

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